Licensed Somatic Psychotherapist, Enneagram coach, essential oil lifestyle educator, and a lover of all things ancient, mystical, and off the beaten path.

Meet Karin

Founder of Our Sacred Rhythm

I’m a licensed Somatic Psychotherapist, Enneagram coach, essential oil lifestyle educator, and a lover of all things ancient, mystical, and off the beaten path.

Throughout my professional career, I have helped thousands of people to find greater ease and well being in their lives through different methodologies, including somatic therapies, Enneagram coaching, Ayurvedic practices and rituals, essential oils and natural wellness. I have mentored and supervised close to a hundred students and therapists to develop excellent clinical skills and professional self care.

I created Our Sacred Rhythm to offer transformative healing practices, lifestyle rituals, and somatic therapies that help people heal from trauma, and other stuck places, in order to regain vitality and live a life most aligned with who they really are. Our Sacred Rhythm is firmly committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and justice.

Karin Robbins

I bring my whole body, heart, and mind to every interaction. When you're with me, you'll feel my full presence and wholehearted nature.


My entire life and business is a ritual of devotion. every detail is sacred and each moment deserves the utmost reverence. life is a practice, after all.


I cultivate radiance as a daily practice. For health and vitality, and so that I can embody a glowing human lantern, guiding into places that may be hard to see at first. I carry the light, I am the light, I know the way, and I walk alongside you. It is my honor.


I like to walk the path less traveled. healing and awakening requires deep spiritual evolution and the willingness to try new things. I am a big yes to this!


I say hello with an open heart and bright eyes. I hold space with ground and clarity, nurturing reverence, and depth of understanding. My true nature is warm, comforting, curious about others, and their experiences.


Are you willing to go 

where you've never gone before?

I've travelled the world, crammed my nose in hundreds of books, performed and participated in many ceremonies and rituals, and have studied methodologies from East to West. I've found the most potent and life changing techniques and tools and have brought them under one roof so you can finally see why you’re stuck so you can discover how you fit into the big scheme of life.

Here at Our Sacred Rhythm, we’ll dive into the deep healing work so you can come home to yourself and live in the world with impact and true belonging. Together, we’ll safely venture into the painful and stagnant places that have left you feeling like you can’t move forward in your life. 

I believe that everyone matters, even if in this moment you feel like you don’t quite belong.

I remember feeling exactly this way in my own life, searching for answers anywhere I could find them.

I truly believe that when you honor the past and build for the future, you can finally have an experience of embodiment, full expression, and the freedom to have thriving relationships, upleveled health, and the deep knowledge of self that will impact in the world.

You’ll walk away knowing that what you really want for your life is finally possible. Now, it's time for you to take that first leap into the unknown...

My method is to work directly with the body to acknowledge, understand, and heal that pain and stagnation so you can build the structure for your newfound freedom to flow into your life for good.


ca lcs 18692

Neuro-Affective Relational Model (NARM) Therapist

 License & Certifications

I earned my Master’s Degree in Social Welfare from University of California, Los Angeles in 1995, and became a California Licensed Clinical Social Worker in 1998. I spent twenty-two years working in public and private agency settings providing direct social work services, clinical and administrative supervision, program planning and development, prior to becoming a full time entrepreneur in 2012.

Helping others to live better lives through embodied presence, movement and flow, is the very essence of my work, and the way that I myself show up in the world. My passion for embodied living emerged through my own experience and the deeper shifts that became possible in work with my clients, as I began studying somatic therapies and deepening into my spiritual practice.  

Studying, learning, growing, and helping others do the same, is one of my greatest joys. I can often be found in a new class or training. I am a certified Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner and NARM Therapist, and also certified in Kathy Kain’s Touch Skills for Trauma Therapists, and as a Yoga and Ayurveda Specialist. The Enneagram is one of my favorite things to geek out on, and I am trained to bring it into my healing work. I am an Essential Oil Educator and am passionate about empowering others to live with greater health and wellness. I infuse all of these modalities into my daily life and work with clients.

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    I have a love of ancient wisdom traditions, and exploring them through ritual, creativity, dance, music and writing. I have loved dance in its many forms since my early teen years. It was my beginning exploration of movement, embodied fun, and self-expression. As an adult, dance is part of my joyful play, self care, and spiritual practice. Dance inspires me with its many layers and complexities of expression. I love to bring dance into my work with clients, as metaphor and as practice.

    As a young 20 year old woman, I became deeply inspired and passionate about the experience of people living with HIV/AIDS following the death of a beloved family friend. I have maintained my commitment to both the LGBTQIA and HIV/AIDS communities for three decades. I have worked with the HIV/AIDS community in hospital, clinic, home health, and psychotherapy settings since 1994; and have been a frequent volunteer and fundraiser for people living with HIV/AIDS since 1988.

    I was born and raised in the South Bay of Los Angeles, and spent my life living in and around Los Angeles until the Spring of 2017 when I moved to Santa Cruz, CA to explore a life near the forest and the ocean. After almost 49 years in Los Angeles, this was a big leap into trust that I could start over in a new town.  

    I love Santa Cruz, all of its natural beauty is so nourishing. And, it turns out that I’m a city woman at heart! I love the vitality and diversity that being in and near a city offers. In the Summer 2019 I moved to Oakland, CA in the East San Francisco Bay area. I feel truly at home again in the rich culture, vibrant community, and local natural beauty available to me.

    So, here I am. Living and working in Oakland, CA. And traveling back to LA every other month or so to work in person with clients and be with family, friends and community down south. It really feels like the best of both worlds for me. I am deeply grateful to have been able to follow my heart and create a life that I love.

    A little more about me...

    If you’re curious to learn more about my journey and how I ended up bringing all of these different influences into my work, here’s a little more about how that unfolded ...

    I love being a social worker! It’s a really important part of my lineage and my values. And, as you may imagine, it was hard to be a social worker in agency settings day in and day out. There was a period of time, many years ago, when I thought I may have to leave the profession. I was burnt out. Really burnt out. The depth of suffering, limited resources, and volume of work took a toll on me. I was exhausted. And sick. But, not the kind of sick a doctor diagnoses. It was the kind where it just feels like there is no life force left. My energy was so low, and the enjoyment in my life seemed so hard to access. No fun!

    Believe it or not, it’s exactly that burn out that I am so grateful for today. It inspired me to explore other ways of finding health and wellness. In 2007, I began to study and practice mindfulness meditation. That helped. I felt inspired again, and opened my private psychotherapy practice in 2008 out of that inspiration, blending traditional psychotherapy with Eastern Wisdom traditions. And, I kept seeking.

    In 2009, I began to study Somatic Experiencing®. This changed everything for me! I started to connect with myself and my body in a new way. I realized how stuck and stagnant I had become, and I learned how to change that through the wisdom and rhythms of the body. I haven’t stopped learning and studying somatic modalities yet, and assist the Somatic Experiencing® professional training as well. I love being in sacred space supporting others in their growth and learning process. Plus, I get to remain immersed in my beloved somatic community!

    A trip to India in 2011 inspired a love for the country and its people. India has since become an ever present source of wisdom, strength, and love. I returned home from India inspired to go deeper into my study of yoga and Ayurveda. In 2012, I became a certified Yoga and Ayurveda Specialist with 300 hours of study, to date, in the blending of these ancient traditions.

    In 2013, a few months after I left my job in County Mental Health, I was introduced to the Enneagram and to essential oils. I was hooked on both immediately! I dove into my personal exploration of both of these resources for two years before I began integrating them into my professional work in 2015.

    I became an Enneagram coach, and also began working with shadow parts of ourselves through this lens. It is such a joy for me to integrate the Enneagram and the healing of disowned and rejected parts ourselves into my somatic work. It feels like a beautiful sacred dance, welcoming all parts of ourselves, with compassionate and loving awareness, while supporting integration in the body. I’m passionate about helping others in this process of self exploration, so that they can move in the world in new ways.

    Living in the city I have always had to be creative about how I connect with nature on a daily basis. Aside from getting outside and experiencing the elements directly at the ocean or on a local hike, one of my favorite ways to bring nature into my home every day is through pure essential oils. I love to use tree and floral oils for grounding and joy. It also helps me connect directly with the plants and the people who grow them and the process that brings them into my home.  

    In 2015, I also became so inspired by the healing power of essential oils and the ways they support health in all areas of our lives, including financial health, that I expanded my partnership with a global essential oil company named doTERRA and started to work professionally as an Essential Oil Wellness Advocate and Educator.

    RACHEL HAMILTON, Sausalito, CA

    "I feel 100% free to be me with you, Karin. You leave me all kinds of space. I just feel your warmth and acceptance. You’re very loving and truthful in your upfrontness with your own vulnerability, and that invites my vulnerability. You’re walking your walk and you’re talking your talk. You’re in it. You’re of it. So, thank you.”

    What people are saying...

    Soulful Brand Strategist, Spiritual Motivational Speaker

    “Your ability to listen and really hear the real me in my scrambled words was unbelievable, Karin. I instantly felt your genuine care as the non-judgmental witness to my truth. You gracefully guided me to uncover hidden gems in my enneagram type that changed the way I live my daily life. I LOVE the clarity you have given me. Learning my type, I've felt so much more aware of myself which has caused increased ease in my work, my life, and my relationship with others. Thank you for this gift Karin.

    What people are saying...

    SUSAN ISRAEL BENSEN Missoula, Montana
    Energy and Sound Healing at

    “Working with you, I've felt cared for, supported and guided. As I tend to be an anxious person, your calm, grounded and patient approach has been a godsend for me and my healing process.  
    I'm grateful to you for accepting me as I am, dark and light, bad and good, screwed up and together. I also have appreciated the broad array of skills and approaches you bring to your work."

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